110 Secret

A quick hop to the bottom of Le 110 Honoré’s staircase leads to a hidden cocktail bar with a cozy and mellow ambience.

Slip into a snug alcove to sip a unique cocktail prepared with care by our mixologist using organic, seasonal ingredients. This very first spring season will feature delicious floral cocktails!


Whether in an intimate alcove or one of our main rooms, prepare for a flavor-filled sojourn, sipping cocktails or non-alcoholic concoctions, paired with sharing plates made with ingredients selected by the Chef from La Table du 110.

  • Rosipolitan 10€

    A rose-flavored cosmopolitan with lime juice, our house rose-infused vodka, Cointreau and cranberry.

  • Rose Impolie
    Rose Impolie 10€

    Our non-alcoholic version of the Rosipolitan. With cranberry, lemon and rose water.

  • Bretteur 10€

    (Non-alcoholic) Pine needle infusion, house verbena syrup and yuzu.

  • Miska Tonic 10€

    Violet-infused gin, jasmine syrup, green tea and tonic.

  • L'étoffe légère
    L'étoffe légère 10€

    (Non-alcoholic). Aloe vera juice with lemon, cucumber and mint. Smoked with cedar wood.

  • Sun Tzu
    Sun Tzu 10€

    Egg white emulsion, hibiscus flower-infused gin, elderflower syrup, lemon.

  • Morella 10€

    Lotus flower and white tea infused in Japanese gin with lemon sake and sugar. Smoked with cherry wood.

  • Sang du Prince
    Sang du Prince 10€

    Our house lavender and rosemary-infused vodka, raspberry syrup and egg white emulsion.

  • Grand Ancien 10€

    Grape-infused bourbon with rose syrup and tonic.


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