Olga Yaméogo

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Olga Yaméogo was born in 1966 in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. She moved to Toulouse in 1982. With a creative energy since childhood, she is convinced of the saving and liberating dimension of art. Olga Yaméogo first studied art therapy before devoting herself to artistic creation. Her beginnings as a painter coincide with the affirmation of a newfound freedom.

Through her paintings, she captures contemporary history marked by massive flows of populations forced to emigrate. By choosing the portrait, Olga replaces the individual at the center of this history.

According to Édouard Glissant, crossbreeding produces the unexpected, opening up new creative possibilities. Inspired by this thought and aware of the richness of her identity gathering France and Africa, Olga Yaméogo transposes this confluence of cultures in her work. Her palette mixes ochre tones that seem to echo the land of Africa of her childhood with blues and pastels that evoke the atmosphere of the Toulouse region. Vivid and delicate silhouettes stretch over intense backgrounds to compose portraits tinged with a great humanity. The subjects she tackles are closely linked to her personal history and experience, but their scope goes beyond the intimate to question the World and the dynamics that animate it.

Migration, the body and crossbreeding are all subjects that Olga Yaméogo tackles to question different facets of globalization.